Winterbourne Medieval BarnForce is a small crew of dedicated friends who enjoy improving and maintaining the physical aspects of the barn and its immediate environment. We work as a group one Saturday a month, rain or shine, from 10am to 1pm with a tea and coffee break somewhere in the middle. If you would like to join us in this often satisfying work, please just show up between 10 and 1 and pitch in. Everyone welcome.
Dates for the next series of BarnForce meetings in 2018 are:
(*) denotes event set up dates involving Barnforce and event volunteers
Saturday 17 February
Saturday 17 March
Saturday 21 April
Saturday 19 May
Saturday 23 June – please note change of date. (It is not the third Saturday of the month)
Saturday 14 July
Saturday 18 August
Saturday 15 September
Saturday 20 October
Saturday 17 November
Saturday 15 December
Event “set up dates” in 2018 will be posted here in due course.