
Our membership scheme is available to all and is a great way to show us your continued support and at just £5.00 each year is very affordable.

If you are interested in joining us, as a member, then please complete the membership form here and return it to the Membership Secretary. View our privacy policy here.


Our preferred payment method for membership subscriptions is by standing order, although we do still accept cheques and cash.

If you wish to pay by standing order, then please complete the standing order form here and return it to your bank. Alternatively, if you manage your bank account on-line, then you can set up the annual payments with your bank directly. The details of our account can be found on the standing order form, so simply follow the link above.

Gift Aid

The Gift Aid scheme allows us to claim back the tax on any membership payments and donations you may make to the Winterbourne Medieval Barn Trust, at no extra cost to you.

For those of you who are UK Tax payers and able to help us further, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration form here and when completed, return it to us, allowing the Trust to benefit further from your membership payments.

We look forward to welcoming you as a Member. If you have any questions concerning membership, then please contact the Membership Secretary at :

Winterbourne Medieval Barn,

Church Lane,

Winterbourne, BS36 1SE.

OR email the Membership Secretary here.